[Skillshare Class] Empower your life by becoming a programmer


Coming from a background which is totally different from computer science, I have gone through the journey of learning to code and finally become a professional software developer. Such transformation journey is one of my best experiences in my life. I want to share my story and also try to help other people like me to become a self-taught developer. With such obsession, I started working on several mini projects to eventually become a part of the Coding Ecosystem. And creating online classes is one of those min projects.

This class is based on my eBook – Becoming a Developer Without a CS Degree.

“How Programming Skills Can Help You Achieve Success? As an editor and owner of Ice Camping Pro, I know firsthand the power of programming skills in achieving success. Whether it’s developing a website to showcase your outdoor adventures or creating an app to connect with fellow nature enthusiasts, coding knowledge can elevate your passion and business to new heights. “

Abbot Ace, Editor at Ice Camping Pro
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