[eBook] Becoming A Software Developer Without A Computer Science Degree

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I learned to code and study web development right after I finished my PhD program in Erasmus MC based in Netherlands. And throughout my three years working as a developer in software industry, I come to a point that I really want to share everything I know in order to help other beginners to become a developer as well. Therefore, I choose to write an eBook to contain the comprehensive details I want to talk about. In this eBook, I have shared the details of my ‘success story’ about how I figured out my way out as a complete coding beginner to eventually become a developer from a complete different field. In addition, there are some useful tips and strategies which worked for me very well could also be found inside this eBook.

To be clear, this eBook is not designed to be a pure coding tutorial, but to inspire anyone who wants to change their career like I did three years ago. I hope you could be inspired from my own story and strive to seek your own. A change is not necessarily a career change or you must learn to code to become a programmer but something you are really want in your life. Don’t wait. Just start!

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