Build and Deploy a Markdown Editor Using Next.js, TypeScript, CodeMirror 6, and react-markdown

Learn to build a Next.js Application.

Following our previous project — Build a Markdown Editor Using Electron, ReactJS, Vite, CodeMirror, and Remark, let us re-create this markdown editor app using Next.js, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, and lastly host this web app. Hope you will enjoy this simple tutorial.

If you want to have access to the full code, please check out the Nextjs Markdown Editor on GitHub.

Tech Stack

Create a New Next.JS Application

Create a new project from this template:

GitHub – amy-juan-li/Next.js-typescript-tailwindcss-template: A template for Next.js app
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. First, run the development server: Open…

Or you could create on your own by following this article:

Set Up a Next.js Application Workflow Using Neovim, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS
Set up an efficient workflow for your new Next.js

Project Structure

Run the command ‘tree -I node_modules’ to display the file structure. Screenshot by Amy Li.

Run the app in development mode

yarn dev
Run the Next.js app in Dev mode. Screenshot by Amy Li.


The default homepage of the Next.js web app. Photo by Amy Li.

Build Markdown Editor Using CodeMirror 6

CodeMirror 6 is a new code editor library for the web, a from-scratch implementation based on the experience of building and maintaining versions 1 to 5 for the past 13 years. It aims to be more extensible and accessible than previous versions.

by Marijn Haverbeke

Tip: Please refer to CodeMirror 6 migration guide.

Install Dependencies

yarn add codemirror @codemirror/state @codemirror/view @codemirror/commands @codemirror/lang-markdown @codemirror/language-data @codemirror/theme-one-dark

Three core parts for creating a Markdown (or any other language) Editor using CodeMirror 6:

  1. Create the editor state
  2. Create the editor view
  3. Create the parent (HTML) element for the editor

Create React Hook to Provide Editor View Component

A React Hook allows us to reuse the code in different places, allowing us to expand our app much easier in the future.


Create Markdown Editor View. Photo by Amy Li

Consume the React Hook by Providing State Handler and Parent Element for the Editor


./components/editor.tsx. Photo by Amy Li.

Implement the Editor component (./components/editor.tsx) in the Home component (./index.tsx)

Use TailwindCSS to style the container.

Use Editor in Home component. Photo by Amy Li.


The Markdown editor is displayed on the homepage of the web app. Screenshot by Amy Li.

Create Markdown Preview in React Using react-markdown

There are other ways to use markdown in React out there so why use react-markdown?

The two main reasons are that they often rely on dangerouslySetInnerHTML or have bugs with how they handle markdown. react-markdown uses a syntax tree to build the virtual Dom which allows for updating only the changing DOM instead of completely overwriting. react-markdown is 100% CommonMark compliant and has plugins to support other syntax extensions (such as GFM).


Install Dependencies

yarn add react-markdown

Create Preview Component and Implement ReactMarkdown Component


Use the ReactMarkdown component in the Preview component. Photo by Amy Li.

Implement Preview Component in Home Component


Add a markdown Preview component to the app. Photo by Amy Li.


yarn dev
Run the app in the dev environment on the Mac. Photo by Amy Li.

Yet, if we write code block using markdown, although it’s highlighted inside our markdown editor in the left panel, but not in the preview area on the right panel. Let’s fix this in the next.

Run the app in the dev environment on the Mac. No code syntax is highlighted. Photo by Amy Li.

Highlight Code Syntax Inside React Component

Install Dependencies

yarn add react-syntax-highlighter

Use It Inside Preview Component

A declaration error is found when importing react-syntax-highlighter. Screenshot by Amy Li

The error occurs inside our text editor

Could not find a declaration file for the module react-syntax-highlighter.

as well as in the output on the browser:


yarn add @types/react-syntax-highlighter

And replace

import { prism } from ‘react-syntax-highlighter/dist/esm/styles/prism’


import { prism } from ‘react-syntax-highlighter/dist/cjs/styles/prism’

Then, let’s continue to the next step.


Now the code syntax on the preview area is highlighted.

Enable Users to Copy and Paste the Code

One of the use cases could be that a blogging website with a built-in markdown editor for the writers renders the blog posts in React components. Then, in that case, having a feature allowing users to copy the code from the blog and use it somewhere else.

Create a Copy to Clipboard Button


Create a React component for copying to the clipboard button UI as well as the functionality. Photo by Amy Li

Use It


Import and implement the Copy to Clipboard Button component inside the Preview component. Photo by Amy Li


Copy to the clipboard button on the top right corner of the code block in the markdown preview area.

Test the App When Running in Development Environment

Issue: the Some markdown elements such as the list don’t render properly.


Not sure why that happens. After some research, I figure out to override the element style with CSS code as below.



Then use the CSS inside the Preview component:

Import the CSS file and add the class to the className attribute of ReactMarkdown. Photo by Amy Li

The Result

Display the list item written in the markdown syntax. Screenshot by Amy Li

Up to now, our app seems to be working fine in the development environment. Let’s move on to the next building stage.

Prepare the App for the Deployment to the Production Environment

Although our app works on our machine, there are some Type errors we need to fix before deployment. There are three ways to find out these errors — one is simply from our LSP-configured Vim-based text editor, one is through building our app on our machine by running yarn build, and another one is through building our app during the deployment process on the cloud hosting services. The last one is the most expensive. We should try to find out any Type errors and fix them during the app development process.

Type error #1



typescript: Element implicitly has an ‘any’ type

A Type error occurs inside the CopyBtn component. Screenshot by Amy Li

The same error occurs when building the app locally.

Build the Next.js app locally by running the command — yarn build. Screenshot by Amy Li

You would see the same complaints if you try to deploy this app to the hosting service by skipping the step of building the app locally.

The code fails to compile due to a Type error. Screenshot by Amy Li

As I mentioned before that we better do a cheap way of finding out Type errors and starting to fix them at the stage of app development, rather than at the stage of releasing to production.


Update the CopyBtn component(./components/copy-btn.tsx):

Update the CopyBtn component. Screenshot by Amy Li

Now the Type error disappears.

The diagnostics for Type error disappear. Screenshot by Amy Li

If we build our app again, we don’t see that Type error occurring in the CopyBtn component, but we do see another Type error inside the Preview component. Let’s keep fixing this different Type error.

Type error is found for the style passed in SyntaxHighlighter Screenshot by Amy Li

Type error #2



Type '{[key, string]: CSSProperties;} | CSSProperties' is not assignable to '{[key, string]: CSSProperties;} | undefined'. Type 'CSSProperties' is not assignable to '{[key, string]: CSSProperties;}'


Very strange, because we notice that the type for prism is {[key, string]: CSSProperties;} rather than '{[key, string]: CSSProperties;} | CSSProperties'

Check out the `type` of our selected theme. Screenshot by Amy Li

Luckily I find the explanation and solution for the issue about Typescript incompatibility with the prop style #47:

The type mismatch error occurs because the style defined in CodeProps of react-markdown and the style defined in SyntaxHighlighterProps are different types.

Fix the — using style defined in CodeProps

First import CodeProps from react-markdown/lib/ast-to-react

Then apply CodeProps as the type of the argument passed in the code function:

The style will be used in SyntaxHighlighter.

Now what the updated Preview component looks like:

Use ‘style’ from `CodeProps`. Screenshot by Amy Li

Successful Building

Note: We can ignore the error related to ESLint for now as it doesn’t impact our production results.

It’s time to deploy our Next.js app to the production environment.

Deploy the App

We are using Vercel as the hosting service for this Next.js web application.

Step 1: Add a New Project from the Vercel dashboard

Step 2: Import the Target Git Repository

Select your project git repo:

Step 3: Start Deploying

Compile error:

Do not pass children as props, nest children between the opening and closing tag


When using JSX, the children should be nested between the opening and closing tags. When not using JSX, the children should be passed as additional arguments to React.createElement.

Source: Rules about eslint-plugin-react

Fix the Issue

Nesting children between the opening and closing tags of SyntaxHighlighter

Visualize and commit the changes to the GitHub repo using Lazygit. Screenshot by Amy Li

Once committing our change, the rebuilding process inside Vercel deployment pipeline starts automatically.

Successful Deployment

Successfully deploy our Next.js app to the production environment. Screenshot by Amy Li

Open our app from the browser by clicking the generated app link to check out its performance in the production environment:

Test the app in the production environment. GIF by Amy Li

Welcome to try out the app. Please leave any comments or suggestions for the future development of this app.


This article has covered the whole process of creating a new Next.js app, integrating new packages, fixing Type errors, testing every functionality on the development environment, building the app to prepare for deploying to the production environment, and finally deploying the app. And you might notice that this article is not intended to provide you with every step with the correct code from the beginning. We keep learning from our mistakes and growing to be better than yesterday. By the way, you cannot ignore the fun parts of trying to figure out a solution, investigating the root cause of bugs, fixing bugs, etc. especially when we are challenged to build a completely new project.

Thanks for reading!

Happy coding! ☺️

Read Further

Build a Markdown Editor Using Electron, ReactJS, Vite, CodeMirror, and Remark
Markdown Editor and Preview page with code syntax

Build Next.js Applications

Useful Sources and Links

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